Running VisualVM through an ssh tunnel with SOCKS

Migrated post from in 2009:

VisualVM was included for the first time with JDK 6u07, and is improving with every release.

For our production environment there is one huge show stopper: It doesn’t work very well through firewalls. RMI allocates a random port number, which is unpractical when we want to tunnel the traffic with SSH. A possibility has been to use WideCap, tsocks or a similar proxifier, but we were really looking for a cleaner solution.

With a combination of a SOCKS proxy (like putty or openssh!), and setting some system properties on startup, we’ll traverse the firewalls!

Run “ssh -D 9696” and you’ll have a SOCKS server on localhost. (Or add a dynamic tunnel in Putt). In this way you can tunnel jstat traffic with a command like this:
jstat -gcutil -J-DsocksProxyHost=localhost -J-DsocksProxyPort=9696

But unfortunately VisualVM does not support the system properties setting a global SOCKS proxy. However, VisualVM is based on Netbeans, and in the sources we find that Netbeans have a more advanced support for proxies, letting you select between http proxies or SOCKS proxies.

We finally managed to run VisualVM over SSH with the following command line:
visualvm.exe -J-Dnetbeans.system_socks_proxy=localhost:9696


You might need Jstatd running on your server. If your firewall blocks most ports from your external interface, you can use the following permission file:
grant {
in grant-all-permissions.txt

Then start

If you have remote JMX enabled in your application server, you can add a JMX connection separately (easy in VisualVM 1.2-beta) for the JMX port.

Thanks to ankon ( for noting.


The same probably applies to the built in jconsole and jvisualvm programs.

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